Kenya Explorer

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Kenya Explorer

1 night Nairobi, 1 night Aberdares, 1 night Rift Valley, 2 nights Masai Mara


Transportation in a 7 seat 4x4 safari car with guaranteed window seat.

Mon Nairobi

Met on arrival at JKA Airport by a representative from Rhino Safaris and transfer to Sarova Panafric Hotel. Overnight on a BB basis.

Tue Aberdares

After breakfast you will be collected by your safari guide and set out for Nyeri in the Aberdares. (3 hrs, 175 km). Lunch at the Aberdare Country Club. After lunch take an overnight bag and transfer to the ARK in the Aberdare Forest. Remainder of afternoon and evening to observe animal emerging from the forest to drink at the water hole. Dinner and overnight The Ark FB.

Wed Lake Nakuru/Naivasha

Breakfast at the lodge then leave the Aberdares. Continue to Lake Nakuru (3 hrs / 185 km) in the Rift Valley. Lunch at Lake Nakuru lodge followed by an afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight Lake Naivasha Simba Lodge FB.

Thu Masai Mara

After breakfast continue to the Masai Mara (5.5 hrs / 315 km). Lunch and afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight Mara Simba Lodge FB.

Fri Masai Mara

Full day in the Masai Mara with morning and afternoon game drives. Dinner and overnight Mara Simba Lodge FB.

Sat Nairobi

After breakfast the safari returns to Nairobi (4.5 hrs / 265 km). Transfer to the airport for onward flight arrangements.


Wed Nairobi

Met on arrival at JKA Airport by a representative from Rhino Safaris and transfer to Sarova Panafric Hotel. Overnight on a BB basis.

Thu Aberdares

After breakfast you will be collected by your safari guide and set out for Nyeri in the Aberdares. (3 hrs, 175 km). Lunch at Aberdare Country Club. After lunch transfer to the Ark in the Aberdare Forest. Remainder of afternoon and evening to observe animal emerging from the forest to drink at the water hole. Dinner and overnight The Ark FB.

Fri Lake Nakuru/Naivasha

Breakfast and then leave the Aberdares. Continue to Lake Nakuru (3 hrs / 185 km) in the Rift Valley. Lunch at Lake Nakuru Lodge followed by an afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight Lake Naivasha Country Club FB.

Sat Masai Mara

After breakfast continue to the Masai Mara (5.5 hrs / 315 km). Lunch and afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight KeekorokLodge FB.

Sun Masai Mara

Full day in the Masai Mara with morning and afternoon game drives. Dinner and overnight KeekorokLodge FB.

Mon Nairobi

After breakfast the safari returns to Nairobi (4.5 hrs / 265 km). Transfer to the airport for onward flight arrangements.

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